
Let bygones be bygones... Let's start all over again.. This time it's all gonna be about my daily rituals, stuff that grab me balls, personal interest, things I do best and suck at, personal opinions and fucked up stories about me.

Anyway, just got myself a new digital camera cum video camera. A sony DSC-M2!

Gotta tell ya, it's one of the fucking coolest digital camera around. And finally, a camera of my own. Been up late last night testing out the camera. HAPPY SIUL~! well, thats the thing about me. I will explore to the fullest with new stuff that I find it interesting but later a while when I get bored with it. It's gonna be push aside. And that applies to everything I do. And that's how fucked up I am. But when it comes to things I really love. It's gonna stuck with me forever. And I hate changing routine. If I'm comfortable with it, that's it. Back to the camera, it's a 5.1 megapixel still image and a 30 frames (640x480) video camera. It doesnt come with the image stabliliser function but heck, it's not so important anyway. There's always pros and cons. Applies to everything we do too. Pros, good for you. Cons, take it as a lesson not to make the same old mistakes again. We learn as we go. Everybody makes mistake once in a while. Fuck it! The camera slides open like a fucking handphone gadgetry. It caught me at first sight and I know I gotta have her! She's too hot to resist! When opportunity comes, don't ever let it go. Get it first, regret later (There's no certainty, only opportunity). Well, I'm still at the testing out stage of the photo quality. Will update later in a while. Cheers and life to the fullest!


violet.亦雅 said...


couldn't wait to see what's ur next post~!!!

Anonymous said...

nice camera......... when u buy edi. pinjam kasi testing boleh ah? aeheheheheh