
My lovely guppies. It's a gift from me to someone dearest. :) Been taking care of them for some time now. Supposingly there are 10 of them but unfortunately 3 died. :(

It's not much hassle actually, all you need to do is just feed them once a day. Change their tank water once every two days and make sure to add in anti-clorine solutions. That's all. Although sometimes they really stinks but it's not that bad once you get used to it.

Somehow there's this peaceful feeling when you see them swim, especially a hectic day at work. Just looking at them just calm things down. :)

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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TANKLE said...

R.I.P ~ =__= |||

Justin said...

T__T *sob* *sob*~~

It's becoz of the grade A ppl! T__T