Casino Royale...

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First, Daniel Craig doesn't have the "Bond" charms. He might have a nice body but he looks more like a villian than a hero. Second, this version of Bond's ego is too overwhelming. Third, he fell in love so easily for a super playboy of the century!! WTF?! Forth, where goes all the advance gadjetry? Fifth, original Bond theme at the end of the fucking movie?! Sixth, the story is too slow for a 2 hours+ movie. Fucking boring and draggy! Nuff said...


Unknown said...

Doesnt seem to be to be a James Bond movie... more of a God of Gambler kinda movie.. haha

Kit said... royale is supposed to be the first bond film. he suppose to not have any gadjets yet. they are remaking this film. so its more like back to the future. he will develop more in the next upcoming films.